About Me

We are the student pharmacists, pharmacists, and staff selected to participate in the yearly International Dominica Pharmacy Rotation offered. We hope you enjoy reading and sharing our adventures. If you are interested in learning more - contact us at abronsdominicarotation@gmail.com

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Moses the Herbalist

Yesterday afternoon the group visited an herbalist named Moses at his home in a rather secluded valley of Dominica. Moses sent us out into the farms and trails surrounding his home and asked us to identify various flowers, fruits, herbs and plants. The group scattered around the area, grabbing this fruit and that herb and this weed, all trying to differentiate the various species (which, to our American eyes, tend to look a lot alike!). A few of us meandered a good distance from Moses' home, finding a beautiful series of streams that intertwined like so many lengths of thread into a single cascade down the mountain-side. Our group slowly found its way back to Moses and supplicated approval of our choices. Vervain, Ginger, Cinnamin, Cocoa and Aloe Vera were amongst the samples collected. Moses described, in intricate detail allowed only by an unusual expertise, what each sample was used for. Stomach upset, headaches, colds, cough, menstrual cramps, asthma, blood pressure, chest pain and even nightmares were counted amongst the conditions treatable by our herbs. Beyond the somatic, Moses carefully stressed the spiritual importance of these products. Purging of negative energy and potent protection from evil are often times sought from these herbs.

At the end of the afternoon, Moses stressed the importance of herbal and other holistic treatments to the people of Dominica, historically bereft of physicians of any specialty. These natural remedies were, to a large extent, both the first and only line of therapy. As Dominica changes, and Western influences (both positive and negative) alter the fragile fabric of tradition, the dependence on such remedies is not so obligatory. Yet their importance, heritage and use does not appear to have significantly declined. Moses would tenaciously contend that these herbs and remedies are the primary reason for the unique and impressive longevity of Dominican citizens - and there may be some substance to his claim. Yet overall, Moses agrees that the general healthy lifestyle practices, both from diet and exercise, found in Dominica contribute greatly to their longevity. This was a point powerfully supported by the hike to Pomme's Paradise the next day.

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