About Me

We are the student pharmacists, pharmacists, and staff selected to participate in the yearly International Dominica Pharmacy Rotation offered. We hope you enjoy reading and sharing our adventures. If you are interested in learning more - contact us at abronsdominicarotation@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pomme's Paradise

We survived our first hike!

Yesterday Brother took us to Pomme's place.  We drove about 45 minutes or so up through Paix Bouche until we reach the entrance to the trail that leads to Pomme's land.  On the way Brother taught us a little about some different plants, we sampled cocca plum, and teased the sensitive plant.

When we reached Pom's Place - out of breath and tired - it was beautiful!  We were greeted at his house by Pomme himself and Justin (from Jungle Bay).  Justin prepared a lunch for us of stew and roasted breadfruit.  The stew was delicious!  We talked with Pomme about his lifestyle and it just blew my mind.  He found the land while walking and decided it looked like a good place to live.  He showed up with nails and a hammer and everything else he used to build with was gathered from the land.  He has been working on his paradise for about 36 years and told us it is still not done.  He has no neighbors, so whatever land he wants is his.  It was amazing to hear him talk about being sick.  He said he cannot remember the last time he was sick.  How often can we in the US say that?  When someone is sick, it is common for them to go into the backyard, pick an herb and prepare it.  When we would run to the doctor, they just pick the herb from the backyard.  Not to mention, where ever you walk to you are walking up hill.  Some people walk for hours up and down hills to get to where they need to go.  Just the walk up 157 steps to get the cottage was a work at times, so all that walking must do wonders for their health!

I think the most important thing I saw yesterday was how self sustainable Pomme and many people of Dominica are.  It just blew my mind that he was able to do almost everything on his own.  The trip to Pomme's really made me think twice about how I live my life and how much I really do not know!

- Michaela

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