About Me

We are the student pharmacists, pharmacists, and staff selected to participate in the yearly International Dominica Pharmacy Rotation offered. We hope you enjoy reading and sharing our adventures. If you are interested in learning more - contact us at abronsdominicarotation@gmail.com

Sunday, August 18, 2013

When in Dominica

Dear P4 student,

First off - Congrats!  You have almost made it, this is the home stretch.

Ironically, that is something I have told myself many times since I have been in Dominica.  It is hot, you will sweat (all day everyday), you will discover new muscles you didn't think you had and you will try many new things.  Needless to say, you will be taken out of your bubble.  You will learn many things about the culture of Dominica, about how a place can do so much with so little and most of all, you will learn about yourself.  

Some things I recommend doing before the rotation starts.  Look into the rotation as much as you can.  I know for Albany students this may be difficult because Dr. A is not on our campus.  However, Kristen Felthousen is a fantastic on campus resource, I went to her and asked her so many things.  She really helped me get prepared for this rotation.  Get a pair of shoes that are good for walking in water, on rocks, up hill and that are comfy.  You will do more walking just going to and from your cottage than you are used to.  Speaking of walking; exercise, exercise, exercise!! You literally cannot get enough exercise in before this rotation to prepare you.  If you have a hill near you that are can walk up, do it as often as you can starting as soon as you know you are going on this rotation.  Go to the gym and put your machine on an incline and up the resistance.  Pack wisely.  You will need both nice clothing and workout clothing for this rotation, more workout clothes though.  Girls, bring as many sports bras as you own, you will wear each and every one.  Pack a clothing line to hang in the cottage and let things dry/air out.  Bring an extra water bottle or 2, you will want as much water as you can get while you are here!  You will want a little self care med kit with things like Meclizine, antibiotic ointment, Tums, Ibuprofen, Loperamide and whatever else you can think of that I didn't list.  Bring Ziploc bags for everything you want to keep protected.  Get a price quote on copies, and don't go more than 3 pages per expert handout - trust me the price sucks.  Bring things like granola bars, candy, Shot Blocks and Gatorade packets.  You will want them all the time and they really do help.  

Some things I recommend doing while on rotation.  Do every activity you can, take lots of pictures and have fun!  Do not be afraid to go outside of your bubble, challenge yourself.  Trust me, after walking up 1300 feet in about 30 minutes and living to tell you about it, you will feel great!  Ask lots of questions.  Whether you don't understand something or want to know something ask about it.  No question is a stupid one.  Share your food and try everything you can.  Count the steps to your cottage.  Talk to everyone you see.  The culture here is such that everyone talks to one another and shares what they can.  Everyone is so friendly and that gives us all the more reason to want to talk to them and help them.  Most of all, keep an open mind through everything and stay positive.  If you have any issues talk to whoever you feel comfortable talking to and get it worked out ASAP.  

Enjoy the rotation and best of luck!
- Michaela

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