About Me

We are the student pharmacists, pharmacists, and staff selected to participate in the yearly International Dominica Pharmacy Rotation offered. We hope you enjoy reading and sharing our adventures. If you are interested in learning more - contact us at abronsdominicarotation@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Preceptor Perspective; Hassan Sheikh

Hello! My name is Hassan Sheikh, and I am a former student of this rotation returning as a preceptor for this specific module. Both times I have taken up this role, I have been genuinely amazed by the effort brought forth by each group of pharmacy students as they advance toward their goal of licensure. As someone who just went through this process over a year ago, I am humbled to provide my meager experiences with the newest batch of students.

Returning to Dominica always brings with it a mixed bag of emotions. With each subsequent visit, Dominica has begun to feel more and more like home for me. Treks to my cabin which I initially found difficult, I now enjoy. Cultural traditions and habits which eluded me on my first visit now make a bit more sense, although, I obviously have an incredibly long way to go. On the other hand, the enjoyment I feel at being back is always coupled with the responsibility I feel toward helping Dominica’s health care system to develop as much as I am able. I feel blessed to be surrounded by such a strong team of dedicated individuals, and am looking forward to the good work we can all do together in Dominica.

One of the key differences this rotation has for pharmacy students that is unlike most other rotations is that there is essentially no time spent “off” rotation once students set forth in Dominica. The nights are used for reflection over the day’s events (often after dinner), and the weekends are generally dedicated toward exploring island through the various forays provided by the wonderful staff here at Jungle Bay. These explorations allow students to develop a sense for the native culture, which is crucial to developing the patient/provider communiqué that is vital for any positive therapeutic outcome.  These excursions allow students to better grasp the culture and environment of the populace they are currently treating, and it is through this understanding that they can truly shine as health-care providers.

As the rest of the week progresses, I am excited to see how the students will continue to shine as fine examples of health-care providers. They have already impressed me with their integrity, compassion, and drive toward excellence and it is my hope that together, we can serve the Dominican People.

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