About Me

We are the student pharmacists, pharmacists, and staff selected to participate in the yearly International Dominica Pharmacy Rotation offered. We hope you enjoy reading and sharing our adventures. If you are interested in learning more - contact us at abronsdominicarotation@gmail.com

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pomme's Paradise

On Monday, we got an opportunity to go up to meet Pomme see and talk to him about his way of life The hike up there was a little more challenging after hiking Boiling Lake the previous day but we all made it and it was well worth it! Pomme's Paradise was beautiful and very peaceful. It is tough to put into words. It is incredible to me that someone this day and age can truly "live off the land" the way Pomme and his family do.
Pomme is an inspiration. On the hike up to Pomme's home, I kept thinking to myself why would anyone live like this and lucky for us Pomme answered that very question. When we got to Pomme's house, we got the opportunity to hear his story on why he lives the way he does, secluded miles away from town and other people without any modern technology.  Pomme's explained he  didn't like what he saw when he was an musician in the virgin island, selfish people not taking care of other people, people driven by money, and the list goes on.  Pomme then moved back to his native Dominica and headed to the mountains with a machete and axe.Years later, Pomme's has an incredible self-sustaining farm where he has everything he needs "clothing, food, and shelter" and he could not be happier.  I could have stayed there and listened to him talk for hours but what really stuck with me is when he referenced the apricot seed. He said that humans are born with everything they need right from birth just like the apricot seed. People germinate just like the seed would but when people get caught up is this crazy world tainted by greed and selfishness they fight what they were born with and  they fight who they really are as a person. I am definitely are person who can get caught up in the hustle and bustle of things and "lose myself" and Pomme's really hammered home that I need to make time for myself so that does not happen. I cannot "fight" what I was born with and I have to let that flourish.

Time and flown by here in Dominica. I cannot believe we only have a few days left!

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